Bounty Cellars forms a strategic alliance with the spectacular new Sparkling Hill Resort , built by the patriarch of the Swarovski Crystal empire, near Vernon, B.C., a business development strategy in which BANNERLINE will play a significant role. >>more
 Original Watercolour Paintings -
Visit Patricia Bannerman's updated collection of her original watercolour collection, scenes from travels to Spain, France, California and both east and west coasts of Canada >>more
 Congratulations to long-time client Steve Halliday on his appointment as Executive Director of the historic and reconstructed Hotel Georgia (constructed in 1927), to open in March 2011 as part of a $120 million luxury development that includes a modern new tower - "The Residences." The hotel will be managed by Rosewood Hotels and Resorts, based in Dallas, which operates 18 ultra luxury hotels world-wide. >>more
Welcome Bounty Cellars - BANNERLINE is pleased to welcome a new client, but an old friend, one of the outstanding winemakers of British Columbia's Okanagan Valley >>more

Lawsuit claims British Airways guilty of illegal,
deliberately deceptive pricing
(VANCOUVER, B.C.,14 May, 2010) - A class action lawsuit filed here against British Airways PLC (�BA�) characterizes false �taxes� added on to advertised air fares, a practice commonplace in the aviation industry, as "high-handed, reprehensible and deserving of condemnation and punishment." >>more
May 1, 2010 - BANNERLINE welcomes a new client, Bayshore Home Health, Canada's leading provider of home caregivers, including Registered Nurses. >>more
April 20, 2010 - Internationally renowned horticulturist Brian Minter heralds the Basket Booster watering technology as the greatest innovation for gardeners of 2009. Minter, developer of the acclaimed Minter Gardens near Chilliwack, B.C., writes and lectures world-wide. He broadcasts regularly on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the British Broadcasting Corporation and local Vancouver radio. >>more
April 9, 2010 - Can British Columbia's North Okanagan become a major equine centre, catering to all horse breeds and activity, including the preservation of live thoroughbred horse racing? The Regional District of North Okanagan has retained BANNERLINE, assisted by noted management consultant Brian J. Wills, to design Terms of Reference for a proposed major study. >>more
Four Chefs One Garden
Now released - Evaleen Jaager Roy's beautifully written and photographed testament to "her Vancouver" - the book Four Chefs One Garden. >>more
Two clients joint venture on deepwater fishing in Costa Rica. Baru sports fishing will be a key attraction of the five-star Hotel Baru Resort under construction at Dominical on the Pacific Coast, a legendary address on the world surfing map, and a tropical paradise surrounded by five national wildlife preserves. >>more
GREEN.SWITCH - November 4, 2009 - Ryan Skomorowski and associates sell their green retrofit, energy-saving company Green.Switch Capital, but will continue to direct the company operations >>more
BASKET BOOSTER - October 20, 2009 Ingenious watering system for hanging baskets and planters, is announced at Garden Expo 2009 in Toronto. This inexpensive device requires no electricity, reduces water consumption by 70 percent and fertilizer usage by 50 per-cent... >>more
If you had the Flash player you would see an ad for Basket Booster
VSA - October 14, 2009 - The Registrar of Motor Dealers warns buyers to ask about hidden fees - some of which may be illegal - before making a purchase decision. >>more
World's most renowned caricaturist Kerry Waghorn - a BANNERLINE client - releases 103 originals for private sale" The last major release was in 2004 and over 100 originals were sold, almost all to the subjects or people close to them. Among these were Bryan Adams, Paul Newman, General Colin Powell, Malcolm Forbes, Michael Jackson, President Bill Clinton, Melanie Griffith and George Lucas. >>more
Visit Patricia Bannerman's updated multi-themed Photo Gallery, including images of 21 of her original watercolour paintings.
View the galleries here
Black bears have been a ubiquitous presence in Greater Vancouver residential neighbourhoods this year, most of them docile and just scavenging for food, but the mauling of victims caught by surprise have also sent people to hospital with serious injuries. Bannerline's Patricia Bannerman photographed a bear in one residential neighbourhood. Her photos were featured in the Friday, August 8, 2008 edition of the North Shore News (circulation 65,000). SEE PHOTOS
Private, personal transportation is a North American way of life and here to stay. Richard Pitt demonstrates that the great breakthroughs will be in energy sources for the car, not insensitive, impractical and doomed-to-failure political policies pushing people into transport modes they don't wish to use. >>more
Internationally renowned caricaturist Kerry Waghorn, whose work illustrated the book Squandering Billions, has become an important part of the BANNERLINE group. The site www.kerrywaghorn.com, designed by Doug Cook (www.dc-webdesign.com), is an explosion of famous faces. >>more
ARTIST ROBERT GENN'S world fame may be old news by now, but his passion for communication and sharing may eclipse all other accomplishments. One day this spring his art information web site www.painterskeys.com attracted one million unique visitors and no day passes without several hundred thousand hits.>>more
British Columbia's world acclaimed salmon fishing in the remote northern reaches of the Queen Charlotte Islands, will take another giant stride this season as Air North 737 charter jet service speeds the sports adventurer guests to Masset, en route to Queen Charlotte Lodge (QCL) on Naden Harbour. From Masset, Helijet takes over with a luxury high-speed shuttle to the Lodge. >>more
"They Just Don't Get It" - Gary Bannerman analyzes the current
health insurance debate in the United States.
What seems so mystifying to the world is to listen to prominent American politicians make a very simple principle and obvious solution, sound so complex. The words of Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and so many others who went before them, resemble something from Mad Magazine. >>more
Sports- Medical megaproject in the works at SFU
Over two years of planning led by visionary businessman and former athlete Ryan Skomorowski has finally surfaced publicly, a $250 million investment in structures alone, a sports-medical complex second in size in North America only to the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO. BANNERLINE has been a proud participant in this venture since early 2006. >>more
- Former Vancouver Police Chief, founding Chair of the Justice Institute of B.C. and past member of the National Parole Board, Bob Stewart, speaks out about what he sees as a dysfunctional structure for urban policing in B.C., remarks also relevant to the current national debate concerning the RCMP.>>more
BC Horse Racing - new economic development thrust
Veteran thoroughbred horse owner, trainer and industry executive David Milburn, a lawyer by profession, has been appointed to chair a new thrust to assess the economic foundation of both standardbred and thoroughbred horse racing in B.C., and to prepare an action plan for the future, exploring a "competition committee" model used successfully to manage the development of other professional sports. >>more
New VSA web site launched
The Motor Vehicle Sales Authority of B.C., a BANNERLINE client, launched its new web site July 3, 2007, designed by long-term associate Doug Cook of DigiCom WebDesign >>more
Vancouver spine conference:
Regeneration breakthrough nears for discs
Dr. Mark Erwin, a Toronto medical research scientist, told a conference here this weekend that he and his team are pursuing a breakthrough that could eliminate expensive and painful surgery for thousands of patients suffering from degenerative disc disease. >>more
A distinguished British medical journal, Clinical Rheumatology, has just published an article concerning the remarkable pain-reduction results of Farabloc, developed and manufactured by a Vancouver-headquartered company, in studies of patients suffering from fibromyalgia. >>more
Dr. Don Nixdorf, Executive Director of the British Columbia Chiropractic Association, has announced a major conference for April 27-28 in Vancouver. It will bring together some of the foremost research scientists in the world today dealing with neurophysiological issues >>more (PDF 234kb)
Squandering Billions continues during "B.C. Conversation on Health"
A respected American think tank, in a report released last week in Washington, D.C., was the latest to criticize inefficiencies within health management in Canada, diagnostic mistakes and a failure to effectively use electronic records. >>more
Fedex and UPS "arrogant, deliberately unlawful and exploitative," court cases will prove
A class action law suit filed here Thursday against Fedex parallels one commenced against United Parcel Services Canada Ltd. (UPS) last week. The actions concern the assessment of uncontracted "brokerage" fees on United States products delivered to Canada, a charge not specified in the sales contract. >>more
Stocker gets top international Crime Stoppers award.
BANNERLINE associate Shirley Stocker was honoured by Crime Stoppers International at the 30th anniversary conference at Albuquerque, New Mexico, in early October, 2006. She was named "Civilian of the Year" among the 1,400 Crime Stoppers programs that operate in 23 countries. >>more
Chiropractic Research Professorship Awarded at UBC
The Faculty of Education and the School of Human Kinetics at the University of British Columbia announced here today the appointment of Dr. Jean-Sebastien Blouin as Assistant Professor in Human Kinetics in the named position, Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation Professorship in Spine Biomechanics and Neuro-Physiology. >>more
Client profiled in respected journal
Ken Smith, the President and Registrar of the Motor Dealer Council of British Columbia, was recently profiled in the respected newspaper, Business in Vancouver. The writer was Andrew Petrozzi, now a full-time staff member of this publication, who has also done many research and journalistic projects for BANNERLINE over the years. >>more
Boatswain's call launches "The Heritage District"
In a ceremony presided over by former mayor Philip W. Owen, a naval officer sounded a "Boatswain's call" here tonight, to inaugurate "The Heritage District on Hastings West", a neighbourhood offering the most prestigious concentration of luxury retail stores in Western Canada, including some of the world's most renowned brands. >>more
Bannerman-Nixdorf book, a shocker!
A new book authored by Gary Bannerman and Dr. Don Nixdorf, a brutally frank indictment of health spending and mismanagement in Canada, was released near the end of June, 2005. Published simultaneously in Canada and the United States by Hancock House Publishers, Squandering Billions: Health Care in Canada, took a year in the preparation. The first draft was reviewed by distinguished health experts from east to west coast in Canada, and from Boston (Harvard University) to Los Angeles (UCLA) in the United States.
Patricia Bannerman Art Gallery
Patricia Bannerman's original art consists of various themes and media, including oils, acrylics and soft pastels. A particular interest has been portraits of dogs, most often as gifts & promotional items for friends, clients & associates, as well as commissioned works.
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